Let's compare football to church and our relationship with Jesus. Football, especially in the south, is so exciting. You have to admit that whether you like football or not. Everyone, it seems, gets so pumped up for SEC football! We plan for it, we go to games and we buy merchandise of our favorite teams. Are you ALL IN for your team? Now let's think about our relationship to Jesus and church.
Our relationship with Jesus and our church family can be just as exciting! Our coach is God. The church is our team. We have offensive players like Shine, and the other ministries and our defensive team is our prayer ministry. Think of our worship services like it was a pep rally! Now that's a team to get fired up about! God wants to coach us through His play book, the Bible. It's the perfect game where we can have a victory, if we listen to our coach. If we suffer a loss, our coach will use that to show us how to be a winner for the next time. The coach as well as God is looking to see if we are ALL IN! God doesn't want part of our life; He wants it all! To be on God's team you must be ALL IN! God wants a total commitment from you. There can't be a hold out on your part if you want to experience true victory in your life.
If you are not experiencing victory in your life, consider the team you are playing on. Are you listening to THE coach, God? Are you depending on your other teammates from church? Life was not meant to be done alone. Get off the bleachers and get in the game. Join the team at church and see what a difference it will make in your life.
This can be the winning season you have been waiting for all your life!